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A pootle around Palace Green


It was a delight to show Sarah, an emigre to Brisbane and mutual friend Nichola the delights of Palace Green in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Durham Cathedral and Durham Castle. The story of St.Cuthbert, the arrival of the Normans and how the powerful and rich Prince Bishops of Durham unfolded was enjoyed in this short tour. Palace Green gets its name from the French La Place and it was created by legendary Bishop Ranulfus Flambard (1099-1129) who told the Anglo Saxons to create a new Market Place as he wanted a nice green space on his way to the Cathedral from his residence at the castle and not have to pass by 'riff-raff'. Afterwards a very enjoyable coffee and scone was partaken in the excellent Cafedral, on the corner of Owengate and Saddler Street. #britainsbestguides #thisisdurham #durhamcathedral #cafedral

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